Jurisdiction Check-Up Service

How accurate are your personal property tax jurisdiction assignments?

Are you at risk of triggering an audit? Are you paying too much in taxes?
Not sure?

Taxography’s Jurisdiction Check-Up Service is a Free service that reports the accuracy of your current personal property tax jurisdiction assignments and the impact making corrections will have on your taxes.

The service is currently available to evaluate reporting and billing jurisdictions in Indiana and other selected states. Please call for more details.

Why use this service?

Having the correct jurisdiction assignments is a requirement for filing personal property tax returns. Inaccurate assignments trigger audits, result in overpayments and underpayments of taxes, and cause a loss of reputation with assessors and customers. The Jurisdiction Check-Up Service makes it easy for you to assess the accuracy of your jurisdiction assignments for yourself.

How does it work?

It’s simple. Just export a file of your site addresses with your current reporting and billing jurisdiction assignments from your personal property tax software, then e-mail the file to checkupservice@taxography.com.

Taxography will assign reporting and billing jurisdictions to each address you submit. When assignments by Taxography are made with a high degree of confidence, they are compared to your jurisdiction assignments. The results of the jurisdiction and tax rate comparisons are reported back to you.

Call us at (314) 863-9292 and ask about the Jurisdiction Check-Up Service